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FBI Letter to Randy Stroud Mentions Facebook Posts


The content below was authored by Randy Stroud, a principled gent from Tennessee who has long spoken out for truth and self-ownership. In his own words:

“My only goal has been explicit………I simply want to live in a world that is operated under self-governance. I do not want to be mugged under the guise of ‘taxation’ in order to pay for the government’s wars, monopolized services and their targeted killings.”

Recently, Stroud found that his advocacy of truth had attracted the attention of Joe Craig and some of his accomplices, all of who subsists off stolen money.

If you are a frequent reader of CopBlock.org his name may be familiar with you per the content:

Individual Responsible: Joe Craig and comrades
Outfit: Federal Bureau of Investigation, Memphis division
Phone: (901) 747-4300

Snowden was Right!: Facebook & Youtube are Spy Programs
posted by Randy Stroud on November 20, 2014 to SovereignTacitics.org

(I am writing this article in one setting with little to no editing, so I apologize in advance. A FOIA request shows that a Facebook post from 2012 that I made in an online debate angered the welfare whores who live off taxation, at the FBI. I consider it a badge of honor. The elite and their imperialism make my skin crawl, and it gives me great pleasure to know that they are reading, and hopefully learning….perhaps my words will reverse their wicked tendencies. )

Yesterday, I received a package from the FBI. A little over a year ago, I sent in a FOIA request to the FBI and CIA. The CIA quickly sent me a rejection letter stating that they could not “confirm or deny” that they had any records to show me under the FOIA act requirements, I never did hear back from the FBI, until now….

Why would I ask for such a request? Let me get you up to speed if you aren’t familiar with my work.

For the last three years I have been very politically active. I joined the right to travel movement, campaigned for Ron Paul, transitioned into the voluntaryism school of thought, and even attempted to prosecute Ben Bernanke, both Bushes, Obama, Clinton, and Eric Holder for racketeering and other crimes against humanity. I also sent a letter to “John Walker Lindh”, (an American who was accused of treason and was held at gitmo). In this letter, I simply stated that I did not think he was a terrorist and I thought it was ironic that he was being tortured and held for supporting the Taliban when the United States government has frequently armed militants, drug cartels, and other forms of terrorism themselves.  I do not necessarily support Lindh’s plight, but considering that he never fired a bullet, and never harmed anyone, he was simply cooking meals for the Taliban and offering support did not justify his torture and indefinite detainment, especially when you consider the hypocritical support of terrorism by way of the US government.

Nothing controversial. Nothing violent. I never called for the assassination of any person or persons.

On top of all of this, I have started this website [SovereignTactics.org], which promotes educational tools which allow the layman to stand a fighting chance against the conflicting interests of the court system.

Amongst all of this chaos, I was also involved in an armed march on the Tennessee State Capitol where me and a ragtag group of activist called for the disassemble of the federal government and for the repealment of the PATRIOT Act, NDAA, and for all Tennessee based military personnel to be returned home.

(That protest on the capital can be seen here)

Sometime after, I landed a job at an airplane repair/maintenance corporation. During my tenor working at Embraer, I was constantly ridiculed.

Since most of the employees there were former military personal, they labeled me as a “Muslim lover”, a “tax cheat”, and would say things like, “If you don’t like our country then leave!”  Even though I never discussed politics at work, some nosy co-worker found me on the internet and began to spread the word that I was, “Not a real American.”  I was eventually unlawfully fired and let go under false pretenses due to my political activities.

(They lied and said I was being laid off due to lack of work, even though my performance records showed that I was a great employee and whereas after my departure from the company, overtime was frequently given out. It was a conspiracy). You can read more about that incident here http://sovereigntactics.org/?p=437

For two years, harassment from local law enforcement and FBI agents were frequent – visits to my home and places of employment, followed on the streets, and surrounded by a group of officers for simple traffic stops. It was becoming too much. That’s when Nick Beres from News Channel 5 came to my home and showed me the documents, which stated that I was on a terror watch list! That’s the real reason why I lost my job! No trial. No explanations. Nothing! I was a marked man! Anytime I tried to apply for a new job, my background failed. I couldn’t understand it. I had no warrants, no arrests, nothing. Now it was all making sense.

Unfortunately, the interview with Nick Beres, although filmed, was never broadcasted. Nick called me and told me that the network didn’t like the story. However, I secretly recorded our conversation and leaked the interview on Youtube.

(In the interview, Nick Beres kept trying to label a sovereign citizen. Which I resent. It’s an oxymoron statement, and I don’t associate with any organization. He also discussed the letter that I sent to Eric Holder in my attempt to criminally prosecute corrupt government officials. That letter can be found in my book, The Red Pill, the letter to Mr. Lindh can also be found there. I have nothing to hide.)

So I pursued a lawsuit against the TSA (whom worked in tandem with my former employer to have me fired) for slander and libel. Being put on such a list ruined my reputation and made life very difficult for my family, as they too were harassed by law enforcement. (Guilty by association right?)

During these lawsuit proceedings, I had a friend who worked in an HR department run a federal background check on me.  The background took a little longer than normal, but it came back clean! A few weeks I applied for a job as a pharmacy technician, and sure enough, I passed their background check too! The TSA had taken me off the Terror Watchlist in order to avoid my lawsuit, which contained some very hard hitting language, which would have blew things wide open in the media!

After discovering that my background was now clean, and after going through some personal struggles in my life, I decided to take a break from activism and focus on my family, friends, and spiritual endeavors.

But then I get this package from the FBI. The report makes reference to my Youtube videos where I ask the FBI to apologize to me and they even directly quote one of my Facebook posts. The report was based around a comment I made two years ago on Facebook.

“I am an american. But, I hate imperialism. I want all imperialists to die. I just wish all nations would leave eachother alone in peace. I am ashamed of my country.”

Apparently this post pissed off the elite and they came after me hard. In the report, they made a reference to the letter I sent to John Walker Lindh, or maybe it was the letter I sent to Eric Holder, the Former US attorney general at the time. I was seeking his aide to prosecute Obama, Clinton, the Bush family, Ben Bernanke, and a few others.  I’m not sure because the documents “blank” the reference out.  The report states, “Stroud asked the FBI if the investigations where in reference to the letter he sent to————–”. Then it’s blank. Since my telephone conversation with the Memphis FBI took place over two years ago, I can’t quite recall the entire conversation.

I called them after agents showed up at my work. I NEVER asked them to come to my work as they claim in the report. That’s a complete lie. In the report, they claim that they never ID’s themselves, and I am here to tell you that that too is a lie! Specifically, Joe Craig, who is assumed to be in charge of my FBI, since during all of my altercations with the FBI, he was the only one who would ID himself, although the partners he brought with him never would. After his visit to my former job at Under-Armour, my other co-workers told me in confidence that the agents had a lot more to say than what is told in this report. They asked questions like, “Who does he associate with?”, “Has he ever made reference to bombs?”, “Does he do any charity work?” After that incident, my fellow co-workers became frightened of me and thought I was involved with Al-Qaeda or some other quasi-Muslim associated media propagated terror group.

(Which is interesting because I am a self-described agnostic Taoist and have no interest in Islam. I guess living in the south and having the word “sovereignty” written in Arabic as a tattoo, while being outspoken against the wars automatically makes you a fundamentalist Muslim sympathizer huh? lol….silly brainwashed tools!)

This report also claims that they only visited me once, and the investigation ended shortly after they came to my work for the first time. This was in 2012. However, the report stated, “Several blank pages are included in this package to signify entire pages of deleted classified information.”

Which sounds about right, because the abuse did not stop in 2012. In 2013 and in the early months of 2014, more harassment from the FBI and the local police continued.  It is only after I initiated a lawsuit that I have been left alone . (Pictures of the documents will be included at the end of this article. Some sections will be blanked out in blue to protect my address).

Sometimes I feel like becoming a recluse and calling it quits in regards to my activism. Just find myself a beautiful wife, get a regular job, and just live a private life. Anytime my name is “Googled” many people become afraid and misunderstand my plight. I should not be feared. My only goal has been explicit………I simply want to live in a world that is operated under self-governance. I do not want to be mugged under the guise of “taxation” in order to pay for the government’s wars, monopolized services and their targeted killings.

So remember kids, whatever you say or do on the internet………Big Brother is watching. But do not be afraid, at least we know that they are reading our statements. Perhaps they will be educated. I am delighted to know that some snot-nosed pimply faced FBI agent is being forced to read all of my posts about anarcho-capitalism, free-markets, voluntaryism, and self-ownership. Maybe he will wake up and quit his job and join the ranks of us fellow liberty lovers.

As for me……..I sure could a vacation from all of this. Anyone have a plane ticket to Bangkok or Bora Bora?

FBI letter to Randy Stroud

I proudly live life with my guard down. I’d gladly take a thousands arrows to the heart for just one honest moment of serenity. Sorrow signifies defeat. Defeat signifies effort. Effort pushes you towards a goal. Being afraid to lose means you’re not brave enough to win! So go ahead….Bring it on “life”. I’m giving myself a 900th chance. I’ll never give up in my struggle for personal liberty.

R. Stroud






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FBI Letter to Randy Stroud Mentions Facebook Posts is a post from Cop Block - Badges Don't Grant Extra Rights

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